I'm Keeping the Dog! The Rise in "Pet-Nups"
Custody disputes over individual’s beloved “fur babies” has become very common in breakups that it has led to a rise in “pet-nups”. A...
Domestic Violence and Your Job
Last night, New Zealand took a huge leap forward by becoming just the second country to grant victims of Domestic Violence ten days paid...
Summertime Fun, Not Stress
Summer is the time to have fun in the sun, take vacations and generally try to relax. But for divorced and separated parents, Summer...
Things to do Before Filing for Divorce
1. Educate Yourself About the Process Before filing for any family law action, such as divorce (or Legal Separation and Committed...
Trump's Tax Plan Has HUGE Implications Upon Divorce
In Washington State, when a party to a divorce is ordered to pay support (also known as maintenance, or alimony) to a former spouse, that...
Committed Intimate Relationships
Washington State recognizes Committed Intimate Relationships (previously referred to as: Meretricious Relationships). There is no...
Reasons Why Women Initiate Divorce
Women initiate divorce more often than men. According to a study conducted by sociology researchers at Stanford University, nearly 70% of...
Use of Social Media in Family Law
Use of Social Media in Family Law: Divorce, Child Custody, Parenting Plan, Protection Orders, Parenting Issues,
Sexual Assault Protection Order
Family law litigation often involves the need for protection of property or from the other party. There are several different types of...
Domestic Violence Protection Order
Family law litigation often involves the need for protection of property or from the other party, or restraints to govern behavior moving...