I'm Keeping the Dog! The Rise in "Pet-Nups"
Custody disputes over individual’s beloved “fur babies” has become very common in breakups that it has led to a rise in “pet-nups”. A...

Basic Do and Don'ts of Divorce
Listed Below are some Basic Do and Don'ts of Divorce Do Show your children love and attention. Reassure them that they are not the reason...

Domestic Violence and Your Job
Last night, New Zealand took a huge leap forward by becoming just the second country to grant victims of Domestic Violence ten days paid...

Tips for Co-Parenting with a Difficult Ex Unfortunately, not everyone has an amicable Co-Parenting situation. Effective Co-Parenting...

Summertime Fun, Not Stress
Summer is the time to have fun in the sun, take vacations and generally try to relax. But for divorced and separated parents, Summer...

Grandparents Rights (and Relatives) in Washington State – Procedure
Grandparents and relatives now have the ability to petition the Court for visitation. Please click - Breaking News!!! Grandparents (and...

Shared Parenting and Relocation
In Washington State, when a parent wishes to relocate with children, the residential schedule designated in the Parenting Plan may have...

What to do when someone you know is getting a divorce.
Many times when you find out someone close to you is getting divorced, you begin to feel concerned for them and invariably it leads to...

Children's Sports / Extracurricular Activities
Kids these days are more active than ever before. Between increased school workloads, various after school clubs, extracurricular...

A New Year's Resolution to Divorce?
Traditionally, Divorce filings spike dramatically upward in the month of January. In some years, the amount of new Divorce filings are...