Nonparental Rights
Non-parental custody actions are brought when third parties (people other than the actual parents) seek custody of minor children where either or both parents are unfit, or where the children have been voluntarily placed with a third party by the parents.
A common misperception is that Washington State allows for grandparent's rights or third party visitation. However, there is no right to grandparent or third party visitation as the law has been interpreted by the Courts. As such, the only choice for a grandparent or third party is to do nothing, or to pursue a nonparental custody action.
If you would like to read more about nonparental rights, please visit our blog page for a more in depth discussion of a variety of family law topics. If you have a specific concern or question about nonparental rights please contact us at office@bainslawfirm.com or call at 253-838-3377.